Pau Gasol and Gasol Foundation USA hosted an interactive demonstration of their Galactic Sports program with children at Hoover Elementary School in Los Angeles, California on Monday, December 11th, 2023.
Galactic Sports consists of basic sports skills and wellness lessons. The program takes children through 10 weekly one-hour trainings/lessons in a sport, while also teaching them the importance of healthy habits (physical activity, healthy eating, sleep, and emotional well-being). All of these sessions are free to participants and taught by trained health educators.
Gasol Foundation also provides materials to the participants, including t-shirts, sports merchandise, and supporting content.
The event began with brief one-on-one conference sessions with Pau and the media discussing his philanthropic initiatives with Gasol Foundation USA and efforts promoting children’s wellness in Southern California. The overall purpose of this event is to raise awareness about Gasol Foundation and the childhood obesity pandemic, increase visibility to Galactic Foundation USA programs and initiatives, and strengthen commitment with children and families. The event concluded with Pau and the children discussing the importance of healthy habits and participating in a Galactic Sports basketball demonstration consisting of fun basketball games and drills.
We are thankful to our partners, YMCA Los Angeles, for collaborating with us for this event. It was a complete success, and the children had a blast. We look forward to our continued partnership as we work towards the health and well-being for all youth in Los Angeles.