HEAL: Healthy Accessible Lifestyle For all

HEAL is a collaborative partnership that addresses the Sport Specific Priority Promoting healthy lifestyles, also contributing to the general priority “Inclusion and Diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport”, as its Main Objective is to ensure effective healthy lifestyle opportunities for kids and youth from disadvantaged groups through the empowerment of grassroots sport organizations and the enhancement of community networking.

Timeline of HEAL

University of Latvia

University of Latvia – UL (Latvia) founded in 1919 and currently with more than 14 000 students, 13
faculties and more than 20 research institutes and independent study centers is one of the largest
comprehensive and leading research universities in the Baltics. UL pays great attention to the
development of projects in the sport and active lifestyle field to raising awareness of the need for physical
activity as the basis of healthy lifestyle to tackle the challenges of growing obesity and assess the health
consequences, specifically among youth.


GEA COOP SOCIALE (Italy), is a non-profit Social Cooperative founded in 2004 in Padua. Its main goal
is to promote and support processes of integration and active citizenship of vulnerable groups such as
minors, migrant women, migrant families and communities, in the area of Veneto region. During the
project, GEA, as expert in social inclusion, education, participation of youth, minors and families with
refugee status and migrant background, will lead the WP3 guiding partners in the development of local
sport actions by trained coaches and the piloting of the tailored sport activities. GEA has developed
different experiences and skills in the field of active citizenship, integration and intercultural education,
offering different services such as Cultural and Linguistic Mediation, intercultural counseling, projects
development and management, support and consulting of migrant associations and groups in their
relations with institutions, public and private territorial services.

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Margherita Sport e Vita Basket

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Margherita Sport e Vita Basket (MSV) (Italy), established in
2007 counts 110 associated members between educators, coaches and athletes. MSV Basketball, with a
great experience developed thanks to over 224 EU projects in the field of sport, carries out active courses
each year to promote the discipline of Basketball and grassroot sports meeting the needs of children and
young athletes over the years, participating in the Italian Basketball Federation championships organized
locally, regionally, and nationally. MSV’s main mission is the promotion of equal opportunities and
awareness of the importance of physical activity for improving health through greater participation and
equitable access to sport for all with a focus at the European Week of Sport at the BeActive European

I-Sport Agency

I-Sport Agency (Poland): one of the main areas of activity of the organization is building comprehensive
strategies, projects and their communication in the area of sports activation of children and young people
in cooperation with schools, local authorities as well as in direct communication to the target group. The
flagship project of the agency is the creation of the strategy and its implementation in the Polish, Swiss,
Spanish and English markets is the PHO3NIX EDUCATION PROGRAM project (www.pho3nix-kids.com).
This is a series of year-round projects under the umbrella of the Pho3nix Foundation, which includes a
number of cyclical activities in the online and offline world.

National Olympic Committee of Ukraine

The National Olympic Committee of Ukraine is an all-Ukrainian ,non-profit, independent, voluntary,
self-governing public organization of physical culture and sports orientation. The main goal of the NOC is
to ensure the development of the Olympic movement in Ukraine as a component of the international
Olympic movement. Through its missions, the NOC of Ukraine promotes and develops sport in Ukraine,
using an extended network with the relevant national actors of the sport movement and the possibility to
engage and encourage the dialogue between different stakeholders (public and private) from the national
to the grassroots level.

Gasol Foundation

Founded in 2013 in the United States and in 2014 in Spain by Pau and
Marc Gasol- brothers, Olympians and All-Star NBA athletes who share a passion for promoting children’s
health, will be the coordinator of the overall action. The organization’s motto is “Make it Healthy, Make it
Fun»: the main mission of the Gasol Foundation is to reduce childhood obesity rates through the promotion
of sports and physical activity, healthy eating, sleep duration and quality, and the emotional well-being of
children and their families in Spain. Healthy living is a key aspect of Gasol- brothers daily life and they
want to use their public image to transmit the importance of a healthy lifestyle to young people.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.